Faina review

This is a small game, but it's not just a brainless click. It's got cute underworld imps and monsters that actually has an animation for a change. The game wants you to summon Faina (most expensive.. monster? it feels offensive calling her a monster) and you need to work your way there. You summon imps to start getting money, and sooner or later you'll be summoning more things that gets you more resources. This is where you start thinking about synergies, like more summoning space or doubling money for a cost, or even a summon that summons summons (imps). For example, you can't store enough resources to outright summon Faina, so you'll have a few.. bears?? that increase your cap. And you still have to balance gaining resources while working towards that.

15th Overall place in Ludum Dare isn't something you can easily get from scraps. This game's got the stuff to develop into a full paid game. It's got art and gameplay down. It's so addicting that I didn't even realize the game ended and wanted more. It's only a few minutes long and it's a yes from me- sorry, I meant that you should absolutely give this game a try. Don't be afraid of the "game jam" tag, this game won't feel like a rushed mess.

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