TearonQ's Incremental review

A serviceable game, similar in play to Mass Incremental or Distance Incremental.

Suffers from nonsense resource and upgrade names that mean nothing, and upgrades so heavily stacked it’s impossible to trace how most upgrades are actually benefiting you. For example: Strange KProofs buys Untimely Difference which gives free levels in Effect Upgrades, which boosts Kuaraniai Shards (and 4 other things), which boosts PRai gain (and 5 other things) which boosts point gain. All makes it difficult to know what you are buying, and it ultimately doesn’t matter what you are buying, it’s just more numbers.

That doesn’t make it a bad game, but keeps it from being a great game imo. It won’t be memorable, but it’s something to 2nd screen for a few days.

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