IdleOn — The Idle MMO

The Gambit Cavern is ready to take on challengers! Can you last longer than anyone else on the King's Challenge?

Unlock new gambits by building the new Schematics from Kaipu the Engineering Villager!

14 unique bonuses from Gambit, including SUMMONING DOUBLERS and DOUBLE RIBBON COMBINING!

Win my Developer Pet Glunko Supreme!

We already have 4 winners, will you be next? Go take a look at the Companion Park!

• Added a display in the Arcade to show when a Gold Ball Multi event is ongoing! Go check it out, there's a 3.5x multi RIGHT NOW! • Added a REJECT ALL button to trades. You will see it in the top-left of the trading window if you have 4 or more pending trades!

There is no contest in the comments this time – the FREE SUPREME GLUNKO from previous update will be announced at the end of the current in-game raffle!

Have fun! ~GambitFlame2