- New Feature: Offline Progress (levels, ascensions, loot, achievement progress, card/resource drops, incursion progress/points, weapon rage, skill points, corrupted essence, loom items, pet and heroes corruption, corrupted medallion xp)
- New Feature: Expeditions, Send your inactive heroes on expedition to any of the 3 continent, they will fight for you and collect loot and xp.
- New Feature: Essences, Essences are stat stones with a small chance to drop while active expeditions are running. Collect and manage them in the inventory tab.
- New Feature: Seasonal Events, the first event is here (Yultide), collect tokens from enemies to redeem for stuff in the special shop, event will be active till 7th jan 25, the special shop will come as a seperate update before the event ends.
- 2 New Achievements (Collect Essence, spend time in expeditions)
- Daily quests rewards will include essence stones after unlocking Expeditions.
- Stat cap overflow, Enemy HP reduction values over cap will be applied to Attack Mastery
- Faction neutral pet's border color in pet window has been changed to white, they were showing the shadow border earlier, for example: Clytaemestra
- Rested Spirit removed. (This was added as a temporary buff for not having offline gains)
- Transcendence cap raised to 31
- Max Quest level raised to 120
- Added Discord Rich Presence
A few new systems are in place, if you find any issues please let me know on discord or the steam forums. Please leave a review if you liked the content.