More patch notes! We're still actively working on improving Skeleseller as much as possible. 😁
Improve worker and adventurer behavior.
- They won't pick up armors and weapons from your warehouse unless you've built those shops.
- If they're holding an item but don't have an available destination in a shop, they'll go wait at the shop rather than wander around.
- If they're not holding an item, they'll wander around closer to the portal and warehouse so that they don't have as far to walk when an item finally does appear.
Show proper item values in tooltips. Shiny Loot makes items more valuable, but the tooltips never reflected this. Now, you'll see a breakdown of how an item's value came to be calculated.
Stop "Buildings" menu camera panning. Instead of automatically panning when you press a button in that menu, there is now a small icon next to that button that will pan the camera.
Make the Garbage Slime's value tooltip more flavorful. It is now covered in slime.
Update Town Perks icons. They are now custom-made for Skeleseller.
Fix explorer sprites. The sprites were a combination of two other NPCs. Also, the explorer's dialog was in white text.
Add end-of-tutorial tip. Now, after building your potion shop, the game will say "You have an adventurer, a shop, and some customers! Keep battling, selling, and building to grow Skeletown!"