Ropuka's Idle Island
Update 1.5

Hello! This week's update brings Catalogue and Achievements improvements:

  • Collection index page We've added a new page at the start of your Collection tab. It has shortcuts to all individual decoration sets. You no longer have to click 10+ times just to find the page you need!
  • '92 Collection We've grouped all current decoration sets under '92 Collection and moved all small houses to their respective pages.
  • Achievements changes We've changed current achievements to only count '92 Collection (eg. Unlock all house variants -> Unlock all house variants from '92 collection), this way we can keep adding new decorations without impacting anybody's progress. Once new collections are fully released, they will get their separate achievements added to the game.

With those changes out of the way we can continue adding new decoration set, with the first ones coming later this week!