v6.2.0 is landing in the public beta test!
Anyone that is playing on a Steam client can join. Read the instructions on how to join over here - https://steamcommunity.com/app/1891700/discussions/0/3316358999124492855/
Your main games save file will not be affected while playing the beta, and the beta save file will be deleted once the beta ends.
Most notable changes:
- Energy system reworked! Now idle 36+ hours at a time and regain the time by tapping your Ninja!
- Unlock a new Medal upgrade that makes your Ninja catch all regular Fireflies while the Energy is active!
- New Main game building
- Upgrade Tier 16
- Ascension Skill tree extended
- New Achievements
- New Firefly type
- Multi-level Blessing nodes are now scattered around the Ascension Tree, your Blessing levels have been distributed amongst them
To see all of the update notes check the update log inside the game through the version history (found under the version number button on the lower right in the Settings tab).
Note: The 2 new Legendary heroes have not yet been implemented and a couple of icons are missing
Legacy Achievements! Achieving any of these goals prior to v6.2.0 release will unlock a unique LEGACY achievement for your efforts
- Unlocking every Ascension skill
- Fully completing Research Tier 15
This is a beta test so please share your thoughts on what should be re-balanced or re-checked
If your save file is either not loading or saving properly in the Beta test, then inside the game press the big “BETA” button on the bottom left and press the “Reset Progress” button