I’m back!

I’m back!

It's been a while since my last dev diary, but I've been hard at work on Cauldron. I’ll try to post these more frequently as I continue making updates!

Steam Next fest summary

A huge thank you to the thousands of new players that played Cauldron during the Steam Next Fest! It's been great to see all the feedback and positive comments in the Steam Community Hub and on Discord. I've been sifting through every comment and suggestion, and doing my best to get all of your great ideas into the game!

Recent demo update

Cauldron has had a lot of updates in the past couple weeks. Based on your feedback I’ve made some major changes to the skill trees for a bunch of heroes to give them more depth and uniqueness! For anyone playing an old save, you'll just need to refund that hero's skill tree to see their new upgrades.

  • Ticktock: Magic Attack - Ticktock's basic attack applies +1 stack of a random magical status effect
  • Burny: Weak Spot - Burny's Skill and Special attacks deal +1 damage for every stack of negative status effects his target has
  • Sparky: Gotta Go Fast - Gain +10% more action speed, but at the cost of -3 hp (to a minimum of 1 hp).
  • Plague: Toxic Fumes - Plague gives off toxic fumes whenever he attacks, giving all enemies a stack of poison
  • Chill: Chill, Bro - Enemies who attack Chill receive 1 stack of freeze (upgradable)
  • Chop: Reckless - Chop opens himself up to being attacked and returns +20% of the attack damage to his attacker, as well as +1 stack of bleed, but loses 1 Speed, 1 Armor, and 5% Dodge.
  • Thor: Healing Feathers - If Thor hasn't used his Skill or Special abilities yet, he heals the entire party for 1 hp after attacking
  • Cleanse: Status Reflect - When Cleanse uses her Skill or Special, cleansed status effects are given to random enemies
  • Buffy: Pep Talk - If an ally falls in battle, Buffy will apply Attack Buff to the rest of the team
  • Debuffette: Rejuvenate - Remove 1 additional stack of every negative status effect at the end of your turn
  • Debuffette: Discourage - Enemies who attack Debuffette receive Attack Down status

Go test them out, the demo is updated with these changes! Side note: Hero Preset Builds are now toggles that should update automatically whenever you gain more talent points!

Speaking of balancing, I also updated some of the enemy types. Instead of the elemental versions of each enemy essentially having the same base stats, I made the following changes. (Thanks to Hommnom for the suggestion!)

  • Shock enemies have double action speed, but half hp
  • Freeze enemies have double hp, but half action speed
  • Burn enemies have double attack, but 66% hp and 66% action speed
  • Poison enemies have double armor (and a little extra) and +50% hp, but half attack and 66% action speed

I've also fixed some minor stuff. Come check out the Cauldron Discord for full lists of updates!

Stay tuned for more updates, and keep posting your feedback so we can make Cauldron the best it can be! :)